BIGTEDDY - Leather Craft Basic Stitching Sewing Hand Tool Set Saddle Groover for DIY Leathercraft Projects
Craft Patch
BIGTEDDY - Leather Craft Basic Stitching Sewing Hand Tool Set Saddle Groover for DIY Leathercraft Projects Affordable Good Bargain - Good starting point at inexpensive price, great for first leather project. Practical and Basic Crafting Tools - Contain all basic tools for hand stitching and hand sewing. Good for beginner or professional adults. Various Usage - with needle set and stitching awls, you can work on leather, canvas or other fabric like denim, and tarpaulin. All You Need For Getting Start - Enough to start your DIY leathercraft project with waxed threads, needles and spacers. Perform the work flawlessly. Edge Groover and Blades - Used for spacing hand stitching holes and running over completed stitches to give them a machine-sewn look