Teardrop Trailer Plans DIY Lightweight Camper For Motorcycle Small Car Build
Craft Patch
IE Teardrop Trailer Plans DIY Lightweight Camper For Motorcycle Small Car Build Dimensions: 9.0' 0.0' 12.0' ✔️ Teardrop Trailer Plans ✔️ DIY Lightweight Camper For Motorcycle Small ✔️ The objective of the Little Lite design is to produce a small, light teardrop trailer suitable for the smallest tow vehicle including large motorcycles ✔️ To get the minimum weight, the trailer is built no stronger than it need to be to do its job and uses only single-skin construction throughout. ✔️ The trailer will serve its intended purpose well but is not suitable for other uses - if you want to also use your trailer to, say, collect scrap batteries for recycling, pick another design.